
Familie karma & Systeemwerk

Familie karma

Herkennen en loskomen uit karmische familie banden & patronen.


8 weken lang met wekelijks begeleiding & ondersteuning.


Middels trance / hypnose werk zullen we het onbewuste & dieper liggende stuk benaderen.

When you’re from a disfunctional family, healthy boundaries are viewed as threatening.

Making an observation, expressing an expectation, refusing to be involved in chaos, or expressing a diffrent view of point, will likely lead to you being labeled as mean, funny acting or even weird. Not going along with the typical chaos can seem like you’re trying to make waves in the family.

The truth is, you are making waves; you’ re breaking the cycle of dysfunction and that isn’t always well received by others.

Prinsss Energetische hulpverlening


Bevrijd jezelf & “the next generation”